Tanque Verde Soccer Club
2014 - 2015 Season Scholarship Application Process
The information contained below describes the process required to apply for a TVSC
Scholarship for the 2014-2015 season. Please read all instructions carefully and follow
directions completely so that your scholarship application can be accepted and
processed in a timely manner. Completely fill out ALL information and mail to
the address provided below.
1. Download the Tanque Verde SC Scholarship Application Instruction |
2. Complete the Online TVSC Competitive Player Registration. |
3. Complete the MaxInMotion(R) Player Application which can be found on the Arizona Youth Soccer Association (AYSA) website at www.azyouthsoccer.org under the Sponsors/Grants link. |
4. Complete the Tanque Verde SC 2014 Scholarship application. |
5. Mail the MaxInMotion Player Application and the TVSC Scholarship Application to TVSC at the mailing address provided below. |
ALL Applications Must Be Received No Later Than Friday, July 11, 2014 |
Tanque Verde Soccer Club (TVSC)
120 S. Houghton Rd #138-120
Tucson, AZ 85748
The intention of the scholarship is to make TVSC programming available to all players
regardless of their financial situation. TVSC Scholarships are either partial or full,
depending on a player's financial need.
Please remember our budgeted funds are limited and submitting an application for a
scholarship does not guarantee scholarship award. Please know that the Scholarship
committee may ask further supporting documentation to assist in finalizing their decision.
(i.e. pay stubs, income tax return, verification of employment). The committee may also
require written verification of extraordinary expenses (i.e. medical/dental costs) such
as a bill, receipt or check stub.
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If you have any questions regarding the application process, please contact us by email at info@tanqueverdesoccer.com